Instructions for accessing your data on the CUBIC server:
1. Open File Explorer, click This PC
2. Click Computer in the top ribbon, select Map network drive
3. Next select any drive letter that is not in use by your system, e.g. O:
4. Type in the path to the folder: \\\cubic-uct
5. Select the Reconnect at sign-in to automatically remap your drive when you logon. If you are not logged in to your PC using your UCT credentials you must select Connect using different credentials.
6. Enter your UCT username and password as shown below and then click OK
The cubic server is no longer located at \\\cubic-uct. If you are struggling to connect please verify you are connecting to the correct address:
Please be sure the path used is \\\cubic-uct and not
// Windows uses backslashes ( \ ) when dealing with file paths and will not connect properly if forward slashes ( / ) are used.
You only need to map the network drive once. If you are having trouble connecting, disconnect the old drive by right clicking on the drive in This PC and selecting Disconnect and then follow the instructions above.