Please note the changes to access for the CUBIC-UCT server as of 01/10/2024.
You will need to repeat this process for each scanner drive you require access to.

Instructions for accessing your data on the CUBIC-UCT server:

1. In Finder, click GO  Connect to Server 

2. Type in server address: smb://<scannerfolder>.
 a. <scannerfolder> must be replaced with either: HYPERFINE, MRI_Skyra, or PETCT.

3. If you haven't already, press the + button to add this server to your list of Favourite Servers. Click Connect.

3. Enter your UCT username and password. Click Connect


On Mac some of the folders on the CUBIC server are hidden. To be able to see them you need to turn on show hidden files on Mac by pressing ⇧⌘. (Shift + Command + Period key)

Please be sure the path used is smb://<scannerfolder> and not \\\cubic-uct\<scannerfolder>.
MacOS and Linux use forward slashes ( / ) when dealing with file paths and will not connect properly if backslashes ( \ ) are used.